7 questions to ask yourself when shopping for health insurance
Asking the right questions is crucial
As an entrepreneur, you know that most of the time and your money, often begin by asking yourself the right questions.
What is the first question you ask yourself when starting your new business? Is it about the funding? Market? Maybe you have to ask yourself, how to meet the specific needs of customers in a way that no one else can do it.
If you want to find a health insurance plan and needs the right side of your budget, you'll need to ask yourself the right questions. Consider the following questions when reviewing your health insurance options.
1. Who will be covered under this plan? "
It may sound like a question. You may want to cover yourself and your dependents. But ask yourself: Does anyone in your family have the option to cover other? If you really can not afford to cover everybody, who is covering the most and why? You can really save money by covering family members of different under two separate plans or more.
2. "Do you keep a savings or make you live paycheck to paycheck?"
If you do not maintain a cushion of funds in the bank, you may want a health plan with a low deductible, or none at all (such as HMOs). If you do keep saving and can afford a higher deductible if necessary, you may find a plan with low monthly premiums.
In most self-employed people to buy health insurance on their own to buy individual plans and family, however ...
3. "How often did you go to the doctor last year?
If you were to see a doctor regularly, it may make sense to pay the highest monthly total in order to maintain a low copayment per visit and deductible office. If you rarely see a doctor, you may not need cover for stronger protection.
4. How did you spend on health care last year? "
If you've spent much time on health care, it is important to know what you spend it on, and if you expect to spend at the same speed. If these were incurred costs (for prescription drugs, for example), make sure that the plan you choose covers these services. If you do not spend more on health care, then you can save money with a plan that provides less generous coverage for office visits or prescription drugs.
5. Do you have pre-existing? "
Medical conditions, some of the pre-existing (such as heart disease, cancer or diabetes) can make it difficult to get approval for covered individuals and families. But all the pre-existing condition does not result in a decline. Working with agencies that are licensed in the region or online (as eHealthInsurance) to learn which insurance may be more likely to offer coverage.
6. Do you have access to group health insurance? "
In most self-employed people to buy health insurance on their own to buy individual plans and family. However, some states allow the commercial license to buy a business plan / small group, even without staff. If you have a pre-existing illness, a business plan can be a better option since the cover can not be turned down for coverage. Find out if you qualify for group health insurance, your state's Insurance Department.
7 specific benefits necessary or irrelevant? "
If you are using prescription drugs on a regular basis, make sure that you have found that the plan covers prescription co-payments you can afford. If it's possible you or your family can become pregnant close attention to maternity. If you do not need a plan that covers prescription drugs or maternity leave, you can save money.
7 questions to ask yourself when shopping for health insurance
Reviewed by Dana Bell
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