E-Commerce startup smart: Keep dreaming your business from becoming a nightmare - Dana Bell

E-Commerce startup smart: Keep dreaming your business from becoming a nightmare

They say that failure is the best teacher, but it was really painful. Make sure you're bound to make mistakes, but you do not have to make the mistakes that others have already done. Here's how to avoid the failures of others and learn from them.

More specific with your product

You've got a great idea now. The problem is that it is too broad. You're trying to capture all that glass fogs. The problem is everyone else is thinking the same thing. And you can end up being Amazon.com before, but very unlikely. In fact, it's nearly impossible because there was already an Amazon.com.

And, unless you have something really "out there" that could drive them from their SDE cha Phnom location, you have a better niching.

Let's say you're selling phone cases. It is a market that is popular right now. What many people do is they get a full head of steam and go out and try to sell all kinds of cases for all types of phones - the more, the better. They want to "own" special.
Except that's not true, especially. It's a broad market. And it can get you into a lot of trouble. At best, you'll be spinning your wheels compete against other vendors that sell only a special case.
This is really where you want to be. You do not want to sell 100 different cases for different kinds of phones. You just want to sell the best case or best case with Android or Windows phone case best.

Pick a phone and sales that beat all other cases for that. You'll clean up and less competitive.

Testing before you spend money

Before you set up an e-commerce platform, to the test.

There are many ways to test an idea, but the simplest way is to prepare a dummy product dummy and see if you can get people to click the "buy" or at least get them registered on the "future releases" mailing list.

You do not have to spend any money this way, and it will give a lot of research that you can use to generate ideas for a product.

Do not cheap out on the part

A lot of e-commerce sites to send their production to foreign countries such as China.

But the standard acid production is very different than the United States or even the European standard. Have a good time, as your site grows and you become successful, you will get sick of sharing with your suppliers.

At some point, the issue has become a problem, the quality control is a nightmare and business practices in Asia will throw you for a loop.

If you are serious about your marketing and production in places like Vietnam or China plans to travel to control where this is true. Talking production manager and senior managers. If you do not speak the language employed person you can trust.

Do not underestimate the value SEO

Everyone needs traffic for their site. One of the most common mistakes new businesses make is that they assume that they can just set up a website and have it work without any real promotion. It does not work that way.

In the offline world, you can (sort of) get away with that. You can set up a brick and mortar store, in areas with high traffic and people walking on the road. But it does not work that way in the online world.
First of all, no "foot traffic" beginning to specific areas on the network. You have to actively market their own high traffic on the website.

Do not rely on things like social sharing. This is a successful strategy (starting out) is paid advertising. Then, if you can get a blogger to review your product, which will help boost your ranking in the search engines. And, guest blog posts can help if you have something valuable to contribute to the community of loyal readers other bloggers.
E-Commerce startup smart: Keep dreaming your business from becoming a nightmare E-Commerce startup smart: Keep dreaming your business from becoming a nightmare Reviewed by Dana Bell on 18:52 Rating: 5

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