By clouds, the explosion of the object and reduce - Dana Bell

By clouds, the explosion of the object and reduce

Small business owners and executives should not blindly jump into the clouds.

Editor's note: This is part of a two-part series.

Small businesses that plan to address a huge gap that will have its target set between cloud and virtual environments today are bound to experience failure.

In addition, business owners and executives should not see any new cloud solution implementation, Greenfield, as it will need to have a combination of software applications in the cloud and non-cloud and existing databases. With few exceptions, the user's perception the new program will depend on the performance of the quality system and end-to-end.

Small business owners and IT executives should recognize the transition to the cloud require careful planning and preparation if they succeed.

I was not planning on a letter on the plan. But as I played through the lessons learned, I often hear, I know it's not just about having a solution in place, too, but planning for them.

Common themes I heard is as follows:

• automatic

• orchestral

• Standardization / producer

• culture and process change

VIP executives need to ensure strategic and tactical planning clouds above their address if they hope to cloud initiative and the success of their projects.


It seems that one of the surprises encountered when moving to the cloud is the rapid growth in the case. For example, a cloud refers to the virtual server instance from the network public or private cloud.

The general assumption is that when migrating to the cloud will be a 1: 1 ratio of servers. This proves to be far from the truth. It turns out it can be a 2: 1, 3: 1 or more. So dealing with a virtual machine that can detect 500 work itself, or more than 1,500 cases.

There are two main reasons for this are:

Improving productivity.
Developers began to create microservices composer, by design or configuration when the clouds; Productivity growth and development that occurs when a case can be provided when needed free operational constraints. "This is a good thing - at least for development.

For it turns out that what works OK in a virtual world that has proven to be not supported in the cloud with the existing staff - the staff and certainly not someone in the planning when the transition to the cloud.

Hence the need for automation and orchestration. The entire development process automation requirements so that there is a continuous integration and continuous (CI / CD); Otherwise, the process of grinding down and many of the advantages of cloud disappear.
By clouds, the explosion of the object and reduce By clouds, the explosion of the object and reduce Reviewed by Dana Bell on 10:00 Rating: 5

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