6 lessons learned from the management of growth - Dana Bell

6 lessons learned from the management of growth

Small businesses can reduce the complexity of Hispanic growth management with key 6

Management of growth for my business is very difficult to speak Spanish and require new skills, including financial management, scaling, technical responsibility and significantly increased resource tasks. Be prepared. On Tuesday, I shared some ruengdamnal and my ideas on how best to manage growth. Today, I offer six lessons I've learned along the way to apply to your business speakers.

1. Update your business plan on a regular basis.

I've said this before, but I ?? m saying it again because, as you progress, everything changes and you plan to, once again, as if you were just starting out. Think your progress instead of just being reactive.

2. increase the scale requires adjusting

As you increase the size of your company, the marketing function has become even more important because you need a high level of business activity in pay for all employees, landlords, rental and taxes. And if you take on new spending to handle the new business will try to keep it flexible or get a recommendation from new customers regarding the flow of earnings, otherwise you could find themselves stretched to provide services to customers who for a reason, suddenly there was a change of plan, leaving you alone with the cost covered.

3. Don ?? Shirt expects to get a whole lot of your profits ?? .

You ?? Will need them for an elastic cushion for the new version of the software, for the training of staff for marketing and business development trip.

4. When you are an entrepreneur, you will not need a vacation like you will be growing.

It will not be hard to get away. Everybody looks to you. If you do this ?? As a couple, it can be even harder. And you can find a trusted lieutenant in charge is difficult. So if you get away ?? Will have to keep short your journey and check in often. But this exuberant provide assistance these days, with smartphones and the internet, but that may mean you do not ?? T really get away at all. I would recommend vacation physically active because while you're skiing or snorkeling or hiking, it is difficult to think about anything other than what you're doing at the time, and when you stop, you are tired, so the exercise, you just relax.

5. Can you ?? Will not be a problem on your staff, but you can ?? T expects them an angel.

Managed by coach, check in with them regularly is a laudatory as you can when you get and when an innocent mistake was made using them as an opportunity to teach and do. When you stumble upon really good offers professional services to your company, stick with them even when they change companies. Your service will be better and you will earn their loyalty.

6. As a business owner, you speak Spanish, you have to be careful in implementing the law, verification of employment, even if you are not pleased with them. If you want comprehensive immigration reform to work for it.

6 lessons learned from the management of growth  6 lessons learned from the management of growth Reviewed by Dana Bell on 10:10 Rating: 5

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