5. Easy as Pie Ways to Use Twitter to generate leads - Dana Bell

5. Easy as Pie Ways to Use Twitter to generate leads

Active users, with 255 million users per month, the Twitter database is buzzing with the immense real time of individuals and communities around the world. Therefore, it is an incredible source of sales and marketing for many who can benefit from the ease of personal contact with customers and prospects. Here then are 5 incredible way to use Twitter to generate leads

1. Set expectations and build relationships:

Twitter is a game of following the leader and provide an opportunity to target your future marketing. In turn, the more you get, in turn, the more credible your company will appear and your tweets will reach. However, be wary of devices that claim they will get more followers - followers easily fake and could jeopardize the integrity of your professional.

2. Keyword:

Keyword search is a great way to identify your target audience. For example, I worked in the marketing content and my main goal is the small businesses and independent; By setting up search keywords in Hootsuite, I would gather every Tweet that used the term 'small business "and" independence "of this. In addition, you can monitor conversations about your brand, industry or region of the experts - even when tweets did the level grandmother from you directly - by creating a stream in the use of search keywords Hootsuite (the domain name, use the symbol # hashtag, alternative spelling, industry, type of product you sell).

Look for buying signals by searching for phrases like 'someone recommended "or" any guidance on' to identify those who are looking for immediate assistance. Once you have found an opportunity, jump in, armed with a copy of some beneficial effect summary, it is what you do and, more importantly, why prospective clients need your services.

3. hashtag:

You can target people who use hashtags. For example, I was able to target small businesses by using #SMB using signal # hashtag - will allow me to join the conversation, small business, define the expectations of potential and analysis of what is growing topic potential or concerns and how my business can provide solutions.

hashtags also allow you to participate in a conversation - #BrandChat and # B2Bchat is the best way network. #Brandchat Meets once a week to discuss four main topics, which change regularly - who are encouraged to participate in discussions.

4. Define the problem:

Keywords and hashtags can be used to identify a problem. For example, a bed can search on #sleeplessnights hashtag #. This will give them a stream of speculation with a problem, even if they have not yet owned.

This is a great opportunity to find out more about a person in order to have a solution to meet the special requirements. Using Twitter, you can find a range of information about a person, including name, profession, interests, their anxiety and sometimes even their age and marital status. All of this information will help you examine your sales more efficiently.

5. Content Solutions:

Once you have identified the problem, you can set your expectations by tweeting a link to a piece of content created specifically on your site. For example, 'five ways to sleep better, "will be the first step, well - it's solving of the night did not deep on and put you on the periphery as potential customers without selling difficulties immediately. Then you can use Twitter to monitor whether the problem persists and makes the relationship, again with the about your product - the solution of the bed better than the previous one.

The contents of this solution is a great way of engaging expectations through Twitter without immediately putting them off with solid sales. By putting your customers at the center of all of your content and make sure everything you retweets is relevant to them, and you will build a community successful with your brand and value.
5. Easy as Pie Ways to Use Twitter to generate leads 5. Easy as Pie Ways to Use Twitter to generate leads Reviewed by Dana Bell on 18:42 Rating: 5

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